A woman awakes during the night to find that herhusband was not in their bed. She puts on her robeand goes downstairs to look for him. She finds himsitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee infront of him. He appears deep in thought, just staringat the wall. She watches as he wipes a tear from hiseye and takes a sip of coffee. "What's the matter,dear?" she whispers as she steps into the room, "Whyare you down here at this time of night?". The husbandlooks up, "Do you remember 20 years ago when we weredating, and you were only 16?" he asks solemnly.The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husbandis so caring and sensitive. "Yes, I do" shereplies. The husband pauses. The words are not comingeasily. "Do you remember when your father caught usin the back seatof my car making love?" "Yes, I remember" says thewife, lowering herself into a chair beside him. Thehusband continues... "Do you remember when he shoved ashotgun in my face and said, "Either you marry mydaughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years?'""I remember that too" she replies softly. He wipesanother tear from his cheek and says... "I wouldhave gotten out today!!!!"