well, I feel that I went so long talking about my studies and stuff .. here is a nice article that I liked so Much ..
enjoy it ^^
^^What it really means^^
Is it time for performance reviews at your work? Here are some performance review terms and their meaning...
Outgoing Personality...................Always going out of the office
Great Presentation Skills.............Bull thrower
Good Communication Skills..............Spends lots of time on phone
Average Employee.......................Not too bright Exceptionally
Well Qualified...........Made no major blunders yet
Work is First Priority.................Too ugly to get a date
Active Socially........................Drinks a lot
Family is Active Socially.............Spouse drinks, too Independent
Worker....................Nobody knows what he/she does
Quick Thinking........................Offers plausible excuses
Careful Thinker.......................Won't make a decision
Aggressive............................Obnoxious Uses
Logic on Difficult Jobs..........Gets someone else to do it
Expresses Themselves Well.............Speaks English
Meticulous Attention to Detail........A nit picker
Has Leadership Qualities..............Is tall or has a loud voice
Exceptionally Good Judgment...........Lucky
Keen Sense of Humour..................Knows a lot of dirty jokes
Career Minded.........................Back Stabber
Loyal.................................Can't get a job anywhere else